Friday, August 6, 2010


a bit barH....
more to gloomy...
at least that's what i think

Elfen and Ceejay had a test today, so Alex and I had to go take their places in the English Singing Competition, as emcees. Of course, we were not very good emcees,at least not as good and Elfen and Ceejay are, but we tried our best. The other emcee was a total stranger to me, and of course, to Alex too barH...

I admit, both of us were not good and professional emcees. I myself don't have the ability to make the whole atmosphere hot, happy and high when I'm actually working with a person I hardly know and a classmate that I don't really understand. Perhaps, I care too much about how others see and judge me... I can be very "38", but it's just that, perhaps at that very moment, I was afraid to show the real me, or in other words I'm a lousy emcee....

But, to me, I did my part. I called out the contestants' names, and I helped jot down their songs. At least for me, I wasn't just a statue. Although I wasn't good in creating an atmosphere, but at least, I think I didn't do anything wrong. The only mistake was maybe just being unable to build a "high" atmosphere and letting my "emcee teacher" feel bored. Maybe it's the truth that he will be better partners with Elfen and Ceejay.

I did my part, and he did his. The situation wasn't as it was yesterday, but I still enjoyed it. 30% being a replacement emcee, and 70% having the chance to skip class.... kakaz...

a bit barH....
more to gloomy...
at least that's what i think

p.s Sorry if I bored you....

1 comment:

QW said...

Nope. Not bored at all. Really =)
Besides, iri hati-ing u can write an article wif whole english ==

P/S: My new blog has done. Although still doing self-introduction, telling things tat u may have known~ Juz to inform so tat at least u know tat i hav a new blog ^^